Smart Option Seller Testimonials
I had asked months ago to be your first enlistee!
At 76 I need to keep things moving.
Glad you're back at this great service! - Frank S.
How to turn $121.43 yesterday into $3978.47 today?
Just follow Lee Lowell's recommendations.
All of them!
Bought 20 contracts of that Target $60 3/3/2017 hedge
yesterday, as recommended, for $.05.Total, with
commissions: $121.43.
Sold them at the open today for $3978.47 (net after commissions; could have gotten a little more if I had waited, but you know what happens to pigs in the market!).
Lee, can we do this every day??!! Please? -Dave M.
Yesterday I Bought 4 TGT Mar 3 2017 60.0 Put @ 0.05 and just Sold 2 TGT Mar 03 2017 60.0 Put @ 2.07 Just under $800 after fees. Very nice target of opportunity! (Pun intended) Just paid for this years membership fee (and then some). Thanks, Chris D.
Bought 10 - 59.50 contracts at .05 and sold them this morning for 1.26. Great advice. Thanks. - Kim O.
I love you.
I bought 50 contracts of TGT at the 60 strike for .05 yesterday at your recommendation. I sold this am for $2.58 for a profit of $12,626.
My best trade ever. Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!
So glad that you are back in business. -Julie T.
75 contracts. In at 0.04 and out at 2.06. Nice play. Thank you. - Marty S.
great call Lee bought at .05 and sold at 2.06 - Robert B.
THANK YOU! Just booked a week in Antigua Sandals thanks to you. LOVE UR Service. - Albert P.
Thank you Lee, for the slick play!
I bought 100 TGT @ .05 and STC @ 1.71! - Frank S.
Hello Lee, I have never written you before, but was a happy paid up subscriber to Instant Money, so I jumped on board when you rolled out your new service. This is the first time I have bought an option on your recommendation and am very pleased with the results: yesterday I bought 10 contracts with a strike of 59 at your recommended price of $.05 for an outlay of $48.38 this morning I sold them at $1.01 for a credit of $998.09 or a net credit of $950 Much thanks for your recommendation and I hope you will be offering more of these opportunities in the future. - Tom S.
Sold 10 Put options today for $1.68 that I bought yesterday for $.05. Yahoo, let do more of this. - Larry B.
Mr. Lowell, Thank you so much for your LULU alert, as I wrote on a previous email, I opened 70.5/60 & 72.5/58.5. I decided to close my puts position, I was filled at $ 6.20 & $ 7.40, which means an outstanding %1,823 & %1,480 Profit (only related to the puts positions) On percentaje basis, this has been my best historical trade, I only regret no to open more contracts, but as a part of your team, I'm sure there will be a next time. As I told you before, I appreciate so much your guidence, patience and support, thank you, thank you so much. God bless you. Note. On my natural languaje. Mr Lowell, Mil gracias por su alerta sobre LULU, en términos de porcentaje este ha sido la mejor operación en mi vida. Reconozco y lo felicito por su Profesionalismo, de igual manera agradezco enormemente su paciencia, disposición para guiarnos y enseñarnos. Me encantaría tener la oportunidad algún día de agradecerle y saludarlo personalmente. y por que no? quizá a futuro podamos tener un Smart Option Seller summit. Que Dios lo bendiga. Cordialmente - Eduardo E.
Lee LULU trade: I STC my 5-CALLS at market price. I STC my 5- PUTS at Limit $8.50 they filled at $8.62 for a profit of $4,302. - Paul H.
Hi Lee, FYI- yesterday I bought 2 contracts each, 69.5c/59.5P. Just now closed out the puts for $7.00 and a net profit of over $1000. Thanks very much, Roger W.
Lee, Fantastic results so far on the Put-Sells: YTD sales = $5300+, with one buyback for $118. Thank you and congrats on a very strong start to Smart Option Seller. - Dave M.
Another Lee Lowell homerun - sold 40 contracts at $.30. Net (after Schwab commission); $1168.07. Thank you! - DM
...Thanks for the great job you do, and I really appreciate all you do. It is indeed a privilege and rewarding to be working with you. God bless. - Joe
BTW, so far this year, with 15 Smart Option Seller trades. I've received $13,216 in proceeds and have spent $1,698 in buy-backs. Net profit: $11,518. Eight trades closed, seven open. LOVE those numbers, Lee! Thank you! - Dave M.
I love your service. Over the years you have spoiled me!
Best Regards, - Frank S.
Thanks for your excellent clear easy to understand education in selling OTM put options Regards Linda H​
Thanks for all you do. You are a great asset for us. JZ
Bought back my 35 AA contracts this morning for $.05 each. Profit on trade = $671. Thank you! -DM
Another winner! Bought back my 40 GT contracts for $.05. Thank you! - Dave M.
I love your service. It's the one I have the most fun with. Thanks. - Barry D.
Hi Lee,
I sold one call @6.75 and the other @ 7.50. Both were bought @ 0.95
I saw that NFLX went up another 4 points after I sold the 2nd call.The 10- July 190 calls were all sold @0.05
All in all my net gain was 807.76. - M.M.
Lee, I was able to sell 27 contracts at $.38, netting $1003 after commissions. I usually shoot for sales of around $1k (sometimes a little less if I have any doubts!). Keep up the great work. And if ever make it over to St. Petersburg, dinner's on Martha and me. We owe you! - D.M.
Lee - I got my alert yesterday to BUY this to Close. Got to buy it back at $0.05. Another GREAT trade! Thank you...Jim B
Another great trade today, Lee - thank you! Sold 50 of the GSK contracts @ $.29, for a total of $1,412, after commissions. YTD check: so far I've sold recommended puts for a total of $15,353 and, with only six positions still open, have bought back puts for $2,049 -- for a total YTD profit of $13,304 (all totals include commissions). Every position a winner. These are outstanding results for which I cannot thank you enough! Dave M.
I don’t know if I jumped the gun...but I bought to close the put T at $0.06 for an 81% profit. - Art F.
Thanks Lee for another WINNER! Bought back 10 contracts at $0.04 that I sold for $0.26 June 29th - an almost 85% return...nice going! - Jim B.
Lee: Bought to close INTC @ 0.05. Sold it at ,25 originally. Profit 80% - Art F.
So far my winnings are better than 85%. I still use your book for spreads and doing very well. the book was worth the money. Tom S.
Hi, Lee, Thanks. Your knowledge and wisdom is very helpful. - Joe Z.
Hi Lee, I got a pleasant surprise this morning when I reviewed my portfolio! After reading your Warren Buffett report I bought 2 call options: one on KITE and the other on OA (Feb'18, 80) just last week. The latter call option exploded on the upside today! Thanks, Lee. - M.M
hi lee since first subscribing to your original newsletter about 5 years ago i have learned so much from you. you are an excellent teacher. - Rich H.
I like very much what you are currently doing for us. Your put option selling program is almost fool proof. - Harry E.
I appreciate all your support and genuine interest for Us, I'm very proud to be part of your team and be mentorship by you. - Eduardo E.
Your previous and present service is the best learning tool, because it is hands on, we actually learn by doing the trades in real time, with your in depth explanation of each trading strategy it is better than any theory based approach. - Paul H.
BTW, bought back my VZ puts today at $.05. Quite happy with an 82% return (sold 40 contracts for $1088; bought back for $200; the latter commission-free)! - Dave M.
Your one in a million. Thanks for this and thanks for your smartoption program. - Ronald H.
Lee - thanks again for a terrific trade! I bought-to-close (10) for $0.05 on 10-18-17; I sold them on 7-31-17 for $0.25. - Jim B.
Lee - re: Buy-to-Close 10 VZ April 35 Puts at $0.06...thank you for another successful trade! - J.B.
Hi Lee, I bought and read the first edition of your book. Loved it! I am a novice to options trading but thought that your book was excellent! Then I bought the audio book of the second edition and I listen to it every chance I get while I am driving. - B.P.
Just wanted to say, first, a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours. But also to thank and congratulate you on a phenomenal first year with SOS. You nailed it. Every trade a winner.
Again, Lee, MANY THANKS! - Dave M.
Long time client going back to the Instant Money Trader days. I have made $35k to $45k a year from your services. I had seen your advertisements for the Buffett report and for whatever reason decided not to buy it. When you sent your Q&A today I decided to buy the report. You have a very effective way of communicating what most would consider to be a complex subject. You should start a service in buying calls. As you may know your competitor has such a service and has not provided anywhere near the education on the methodology. - Frank T.
Just wanted to say thank you for an awesome 2017. This was my best trading year ever thanks to you. I trade an approximate $50k account and this year I made $17k in it trading your recommendations. I was lucky enough to cash in on that Target whopper in March and that one still makes me smile!
I was a member of your old service and was thrilled when you started this one up. Looking forward to a great and profitable 2018. - Julie T.
Lee, I also realized that I don't praise you enough. Every aspect of your service is outstanding -- it's highly profitable, all your explanations are clear, your emails are timely, and you clearly care about your customers. I wish you a very happy new year! - Geoff W.
Thanks for another great year. I have been with you since day 1. This year I made $59,000 with 5 positions still open. - F.X.T.
Hi, I am one of your charter subscribers, also a follower from prior years. love your newsletter! - Andrew T.
You are the only one I trust for this type of trading. Thank you. - Kimble O.
this is my first week using your site i love it i was selling puts using verticals to keep the risk down and rolling to adjust i love the way you trade i was doing it wrong thanks trading with you is so much fun as compared to ameritrade i am glad i join up with you i was about ready to quit trading thanks for the support thanks for getting mad at the marker makers the personal touch very good to have a pro in our corner thanks again i dont trade for a living i trade for fun and now it is fun again - John R.
I really appreciate the detailed analysis.
Regardless if I make money or not (I know I will) - the subscription is more than worth it to me, just for the experience of "working" side by side with you.
Thank you,
- Jim B.
I have been a follower of yours since your time at Walls Street Daily and Smart Option Seller. Under your guidance, 100% of your recommendations have been profitable.
Your book Getting Rich with Options has been the catalyst that transformed me into a consistent profitable trader. You provide an excellent service and have been an excellent teacher. - Rejean G.
I did pretty well! Thanks for the trade. I had never done a straddle before and figured out how to buy and sell the straddle as a single trade. Since I was a little chicken, I did not invest much. I did a credit limit order to sell of .45. It executed better than that. Learned a lot today! - Cliff K.
Lee: I'm sure you've heard from others, but the F straddle has worked well. I've now taken the profit on the put side (in at 0.15 and out at 0.51) and the call side can expire worthless (in at 0.17). And if by some chance there's a bounce in F tomorrow, it may not even be worthless!! (but won't matter - decent profit for the day on the trade.) - Peter P.
I've been a subscriber for a short time & really appreciate the great job you're doing with this service! - David P.
What a great recommendation you made on the Berkshire LEAPS. In August, I bought 2 of the recommended Puts for $8269. They're now worth >$15000! Boom! Thanks much as always, Dave M.
Lee Lowell is a brilliant Options Trader. When he was part of his former group, thus part of my Lifetime Subscription Service, I made lots of money following Lee Lowell's recommendations. A year ago he decided to go out on his own and started Smart Option Seller.
Since I have dozens of Subscriptions Services that recommend Option Trades I did not need more trades or education, HOWEVER, if you do not have other Subscriptions Services that recommend Options Trades and/or that do Tutorials on Options, I highly recommend you sign up for Lee's Service, as he is one of the best at a very low cost. He will educate you and he will make you money!
His success rate ran near a 100% in all the years I followed him, and very rarely had a losing position. This last year with his new service he had a 100% win rate. - Ron S.
Lee - thanks again for two terrific trade RECO's... After selling (10) GSK March 32 Puts for $0.40 on October 27, 2017, I was able to buy them back today for $0.05. A GREAT return! Keep up your fantastic RECO's! - Jim B.
hi lee i am glad i found your web site i read your book a few years ago the best book on options trading i have read i could actually understand it - John R.
Hi Lee - another successful 'round-trip' on this one! Sold 10 on 12-13-17 at $0.35 and bought them back today at $0.06 - for better than a 80% return! Keep 'em coming! GREAT job! I'm having so much fun with this! - J.B.
thanks lee i always look forward to the q and a sessions you are like the best teacher i had in college you are a bargain it is fun learning from you the voice of the master very good - J.R.
Best of luck, I was a long time IMT client and am now a SOS client. Your style and strategies have earned the trust of all your subscribers, something few in your business actually accomplish. - Frank T.
In all the years I've been following you, I think the worst result of a trade was a rollout a few years back (WMT?) that was either modestly profitable or negative. Every other single recommendation - dozens and dozens of 'em - have been winners. You are to options what Pete Rose is to hits. - Dave M.
You are the best and 100 % HONEST person out there in the shark world. You lay it straight and clean with no nonsense. You teach and explain so clearly. In the manner and the way you write and communicate with us, you actually make me feel your care and concern for us. - R. P.
This past Labor Day weekend I read every one of TSOS’ archived Issues/Alerts. What a treasure trove of valuable information! That exercise gave me a good sense of your style and understanding of your sell-put system, which I’m very much in agreement with. “Safety First!” I was particularly interested on how you handled the major correction in Feb 2018 and the insuring couple of months of high volatility. I was impressed with your composure and decision making regarding the couple of options nearing their respective sell strike prices; specifically, GIS. Your record is still intact with a $.01 profit on that trade. It’s interesting how the price of the underlying never did hit $40. The defensive tactics you kept reiterating throughout the alerts are key components to your system and are fully appreciated by yours truly. - Luis C.
Dear Mr. Lowell.
I have studied and operated options for over a decade and in 2008 I purchased your book and recently just read it again. It's amazing how your strategies related in this book are winning. Although our market here still suffers from serious restrictions on puts liquidity, it is still possible to apply much of the knowledge set forth in your book. I would like to thank you for this brilliant work and wish for my success and prosperity in your business. - R. Santos
Lee you’re a good man. Thanks for sharing your knowledge with us and therefore having opportunities to make our lives better financially.
Wishing you many blessings during this holiday season and beyond to you and your family. - Denis M.
Lee, Bought back the 35 GPS puts at $.06 (netting $674 profit) and 35 INTC puts (netting $714). Also bought back the 40 "unofficial trade" MSFT puts, netting $778. Finally, yesterday I managed to buy back the 35 EMR puts at $.05, netting $847. Not exactly two days of back-breaking work for $3013! As always, THANK YOU! - Dave
Hi Lee,
INTC filled at .06 My first profits! Thank you very much! - L.C.
Sold INTC at .34. Bought them back at .06. Thanks for another winner. I've really enjoyed this past year with you. Thanks a bunch. - Wayne T.
I just bought back EMR puts at .05, after getting in at .29. Thanks for another successful trade. - W.T.
Hi Lee,
I appreciate your follow-up, and thanks for the explanation.
Trading options is a super fun new hobby. I love learning more each day, and I find myself opening your emails like a kid in a candy store- hahaha!
Thanks for sharing your wisdom. - Diane G.
Hi, Lee: let me say that I love your service and the commentary/advice that you provide. I was a broker for years and am quite familiar with options and options strategies; the approach you use for put-selling is tried and true, and I'm not only a "believer" in its continued efficacy, despite the current market turmoil, but I have repeatedly seen the proof that the strategy works in real time (and in my brokerage account!). Keep up the good work. I know that I - and your other subscribers - really appreciate the care you take in providing and explaining good opportunities to us. - Andrew P.
Lee once again thanks for your expertise and passion for what you do. And of course sharing that with us. - Denis M.
Thanks for the great year. Wishing you and your family a Happy New Year. - Wayne T.
Hi Lee, When you made this RECO I was able to sell (10) $60 Puts for $0.30. With the POP on Friday, I was able to buy them back for $0.06. An 80% bump! I like it very much...keep it up! Happy New Year! - Jim B.
Closed out my second winner of the year this morning - the K Puts.
Originally sold 50 contracts for $1312; bought back 33 last week @ $.05, and the other 17 this morning at the same price. 80%+ profit.
I'm liking January!
Thank you! - Dave M.
Hi Lee, My son followed your letter for over several years. He had excellent results with your guidance of options selling. Through his recommendation we both agreed that your letter is the one to follow. That is how I came across your letter. Appreciate being part of the Smart Option Seller. - Alain G.
Got 25 contracts filled for $.25 immediately, netting $587 after commissions. Thanks! ....did this from a deck chair on the Caribbean Princess, returning to Ft. Lauderdale tomorrow from the southern Caribbean. - D.M.
Lee: While I am aware that you are very confident of your analysis of stocks, options and your recommendations, and are paid for your service, I nevertheless find today an opportunity to say thank you for your service and in particular your attention to detail and willingness to explain the recommendations. I appreciate it very much as it has given me the education and confidence to follow your recommendations. - Don G.
You are the only professional I have met (so far) that does exactly what your promotions promise...I have admired you for that since first reading your books and joining your services.
I continue to recommend your products as I admire your approach and find it the best after my experience with “speculative stocks” and my eventual losses.
Thanks for reading one members story. - Barbara O.
You are an EXCELLENT teacher, Lee... and an entertaining one as well! Thank you for everything! - Darryl D.
Thanks Lee - I’m already executing this strategy and a hybrid on my own with total success (so far). Following your service over the months and ESPECIALLY reading your book gave me confidence and taught me a lot. Thanks for your knowledge and inspiration! - David H.
Dear Mr. Lee Lowell:
I'm listening to your Audio, but I haven't done it yet. I review your website and your FAQs a couple of times.
What makes distinctive and interesting about your Audio different from others that you get to the point about Call and Put. You waste no time.
I appreciate once again Lee.
Keep the good work.
Sincerely Yours,
- Stephen P.
I just want to thank you for writing the book, "Get Rich with Options". I really enjoyed learning from you. - Stephen T.
I love the the way that you teach/write and of course I love that you posted your wonderful track record too. I haven't seen anyone else do that. Thank you for your service! With appreciation - Pam .
Hi Lee - just wanted to let you know I "Bought to Close" my 10 Contracts of INTC Sept. 20th 40 Puts for $0.06. I sold these on 4-26-19 for $0.36. So +83% on this one! Thanks for the RECO - Jim B.
Lee, In your welcome email you asked to share how we found your site...well my dad gave my your book get rich with options and I loved it so I searched the web and found your web site, thanks again for writing a great book! - Kelly W.
Hi Lee, I am a long time fan of Get Rich with Options. That book is worth it's weight in in-the-money naked puts on gold. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with the world! - Shawn R.
Hi Lee, Your guidance was highly instrumental in my success.
I feel confident after following you for many years that i can move forward doing my own research and selecting which stocks to sell puts against. - Isabell O.
Just wanted to let you know that I have read your book and enjoying reading your blog. My Tennis friends at Hyatt are stock traders at Wells Fargo and I have been following markets for the past 1.5 year. I find markets fascinating and especially options. Understanding greeks, volatility etc is incredibly interesting. I really liked your book and your smart approach. It makes sense. It was a very enjoyable read. Just wanted to Thank you again. - Amine B.
Merry Christmas 2019. Only one losing trade this year and that was GPS. Everything else was great. Here's hoping for a wonderful new year! - Wayne T.
Thanks Lee,
You have helped me so much. I'm so glad I found out about you, your newsletter and your book. - Elton S.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Lee. Wanted you to know discovering your book has truly opened my eyes to Options, I’ve now become a profitable Options Seller and am amazed at the results I’ve attained in a couple of short months.
Thanks for the book, advice and articles you post! - Brett G.
Hi Lee, I just wanted to say a big thank you for all the wonderful information you've shared regarding options trading! I've read Get Rich With Options as well as your eBook. I'm about six weeks in at this point and loving it. You do an excellent job of illustrating the benefits of selling options, as well as outlining the various strategies. I likely wouldn't have had the understanding or confidence to attempt this without the resources that you've provided so thank you!! - Andrea K.
Hello Lee
First of all I apologize for my English.
I am or consider myself an Options Trader, using simple but effective strategies, I have been with an average return on my money of 18% annually for two years.
I am an absolute fan of your book, a book that should be in schools, my congratulations, pleasant and very didactic, simplicity is the most difficult, and you have achieved it with this book. - Albert D.
Hi Lee, I have had many winning trades very few losses. - Tom S.
Hi Lee,
I just again read one of you many cool way of writing and teaching us blogs. It has been very helpful so far making trades whilst putting my fear emotion aside. Knowing that good probability is on my side. - Quok N.
I'm here because I just finished the book and after reading some 20 books or so it is my favorite. - Stan S.
Many years ago I bought your book - Get Rich With Options, and it still remains one of the great books on options trading, in my opinion. Thank you for writing it. - Ron S.
Your book and newsletter has helped me immensely and looking to pass on your knowledge to my mother. - Elton S.
Thanks again and sure appreciate what you you do for all your clients! - Pranav S.
hi lee; i can't begin to thank you for what you have done for me and my family with your book... - Ken C.
Dear Lee
I have bragged about you and your abilities to probably hundreds. I even told my millionaire friends and broker you are the best I have ever seen when it comes to option's. Also the best and easy to understand book on options I have ever read. I have read all of them I could get my hands on. Probably well over a hundred.
Seen all the seminars by the best to come to Seattle . Countless but you are hands down the best. I even showed our preacher tonight how to do a covered call. He was just amazed.You trained me. THANKS
I usually just sell deep in the money puts now. I just found out you have two newsletters for subscription. I have never done vertical spreads. If my memory serves me that's your favorite personal strategy is credit spreads. Your a genius.
You helped change the course of my financial life. Thank you. Sincere appreciation. - Paul M
BTW, the fence option trade vid was great. Thanks for opening another door for my mind. - Terry S.
Hi Lee, Another profitable closing, thanks to you! I just bought back my 'AMD' Puts, I sold on May 14th at $0.36, for $0.07. Following your 80% Rule. Have a great weekend! - Jim B.
Hi Lee, Always look forward to hearing what you have to share every Saturday morning! Keep up the great work! - JB
Hi Lee - bought back (5) contracts at $0.05 each...after having sold them for $0.34 on May 18th. +85% Return... Thanks again - Jim B
Hi Lee,
Thanks for all you do! Loving the support you provide. - Brad P.
Hi Lee - Thanks for doing the weekly updates. They are very helpful to us as we continue to learn more about options training. - Michael K.
Lee - thank you for all of your hard work. I really like your youtube videos & the way you clearly explain things. Please keep up the great work. - Manuel B.
Hi Lee,
Hope you're doing well! I've subscribed to your naked put newsletter for a few weeks ago now and I'm really enjoying it. So much so, that I signed up for your vertical spread newsletter 2 days ago.
Also, I just want you to know that your book and knowledge you have taught me has become life changing and that I am forever grateful. Thank you! - C.R.
Hi Lee ,
Thank you for your wonderful weekly videos on youtube they are extremely helpful. I also bought your book which has been an amazing read, I have started to delploy all of the option strategies which have been very profitable. - Rab J.
I've read Get Rich With Options several times and it helped get me started into options trading, so Thank You!! - Mike M.
Thank you for all you! This stuff and your knowledge is life changing. - Brad P.
Thank you for sharing you knowledge and experience. I wish I was 20 years younger to be learning this, my mind is exploding. - Louise C.
Side note: I've also been following your weekly youtube blog for the last two months and I really like what you're doing. There's a lot of options for option education and I like the direction and leadership you are taking. I like watching the charting you do. - Dustin R.
Dear Coach Lee
I want to thank you for such an amazing educational experience. I learned a lot from you and look forward to ongoing updates and seminars in the future. Also, your humble and down to earth coaching style resonated with me and I am grateful our paths have crossed.
Thank you once again for influencing our life as a family for the better.
With gratitude and kind regards, - Junaid M.
thanks Lee, Here in Brazil, Loved your book , has changed my mind forever - Rui O.
just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate your service, I’m a retired company founder and CEO and frankly your service is worth way more then you charge. - Paul H.
Hi Lee. First of all, so glad I found you. Your information has been invaluable. I've been muddling around a long time and I feel like I have found my Niche...selling puts. - Patrick Y.
Hi Lee,
Hope all is well. Just wanted to say thanks for all of your teachings from your book, videos, emails...This is the most I’ve learned in one month about options where I actually understand the concepts. You are a very good teacher. I read up on options before but never understood it so gave up on it. After reading your book I was pleasantly surprised of how easy a read it was and even more surprised that I actually understood it and can implement your strategies. - Anita M.
Lee, I ordered a copy of your book (2nd Ed) and found it so easy to read and understand after trying to read many Options resources. The book was so good that I wanted to see if you had any videos or blogs and then after watching several of your YouTube videos I came to the website. Thanks for all you are doing to help us nonprofessionals. - Michael W.
hi; thankful that you wrote the book. changed my life forever. best to you and your family. - Ken C.
to you lee...just to say you are an inspirational writer --it just feels good to read your msgs and what you say about put selling which i do and have done because of you. - Jack L.
I am a VectorVest subscriber and they recommended your book which I bought and think is the best book for learning option trading. Then I found out about your You Tube channel which I subscribe to and I find to be the best at summarizing the weekly market and explaining option trading. - Daryl H.
Thank you Lee! Probably one of the best decisions was to sign-up for your newsletter. Thanks for being genuine as you are. - Angelo V.
Hello Mr. Lowell,
I have always been interested in options, even when I was a novice trader eight years ago. I didn't know much about options but it is something that has always intrigued me. So, one day, I was in a bookstore and I bought 'Get Rich With Options'; I didn't go to the bookstore to buy a book on options, I just saw the title, read a couple of pages and was convinced that this is the book I need to read. I read half of the book in one sitting that very night. Your book is the bread-and-butter of my option trades. I have been trading options since then and loving it. - Fahad S.
Hello Lee
Just wanted to wish you and your family a safe, healthy and Happy Holiday season
Thanks for all you do in putting together the newsletters, trade information and market insight!
It helped me surpass my financial goals this year and for that,I am very grateful!
All the best in the 2021. - Dino P.
Thank you so much on explaining this opportunity to get rich the simple way. I've been wanting to trade Options for at least 5 years now but every time I read into it, I get lost. Not with your work, excellent, and I've made a Buy DITM the other day. - Charles A.
I’ve been studying the financial markets for the past 8 months quite extensively. I’ve even gone as far as taking the Canadian Securities Course (our equivalent of the series 6 or series 7 exam). I’ve scoured YouTube, Google, Audible, Amazon, and everywhere in between. NOTHING I’ve come across has distilled down the core concepts of option selling strategies quite like your e-book. You have a very simple and clear communication style and I wanted to thank you for taking the time to share your experience.... I’m not sure if you have a paid product, but if you do please let me know. I’ve already spent THOUSANDS and you taught me a great deal for free. I owe you one. Thanks again. - Courtney S.
Happy new year Lee and thank you for all of your wisdom and encouragement in this my first year joining the ranks as an option trader. As much as I have hated 2020 (family income was cut in half among all of the lost social interaction etc) it marks the year that I learned a new skill which I believe is life changing. I’m really thankful for this education and you have been a big part of that learning. Thank you and all the best for 2021. - Katie T.
I can't thank you enough for your book and all the information you put out there for the individual investor. The skills you have taught me have been life changing where I have almost got to the point where I can replace my w2 income! I no longer feel the need to work tons of overtime and with a newborn at home, that is a blessing.
Keep up all the hard work Lee, it's really appreciated! - Cody H.
Lee - I appreciate your conservative nature and not overpromising. I have made 7-8 options trades (naked put and VST) since subscribing to your services and I have made money in every case so far - so thank you!
My goal now is to see if I can scale the trades so I can make more per trade while still staying conservative.
Thank you for your fine service! - David R.
I’ve been with both your services since last October and have really enjoyed participating and learning. Keep up the great work here. - Dusty R.
Dear Lee, I read your absolutely excellent book "Get Rich With Options"- which is superb. And I thought that I would have a look at your website and services so that I can think about getting comfortable with the reward:risk ratios of selling options. Thank you for your inspiring "Get Rich With Options" book! - Margaret D.
Big fan, bought and read your book (a few times), watch your weekly YouTube videos, and it’s been a complete game changer, I absolutely love being a heavy probability favourite every trade.
Honestly, thank you for doing what you do, I can’t wait to teach my kids “how to fish”. - Antony H.
Dear Mr. Lowell; Thank you for your calm, professional style of working with option selling newbies. I love your style and I've watched at least 20 of your videos, read the 2nd Edition of "Get Rich With Options" (on my second pass this week), I’ve also read the excellent - 28-page “Put-Selling Basics” 4 times and have continued to scour the internet for almost any other tidbit of data I can find from you about SELLING options. - Tom R.
Lee - BTW I am up 11pc in my options account since Jan 1 in 6 weeks - not too shabby! I have sold VSTs and naked puts exclusively in this account.
Thanks for your wonderful service! - D.R.
Lee, I want you to know that I am doing well - - following your VERTICAL SPREAD TRADER newsletter, Get Rich With Options (2nd edition) book, and YOUTUBE videos regarding selling Put Spreads, selling (Naked) Puts, and selling Calls. Thank you! I believe that of all the potential gurus on the internet you are clearly at the top. Perhaps it is your calm, reassuring manner vs. lots of double talk, and loud diatribes that often make no sense. I truly appreciate your service and look forward to many years of profits! I am in an investing club in The Woodlands, TX and always carry your book to the meetings and explain why I think you are a person they should at least follow on the internet. Looking forward to your next book. - Tom R.
Lee, Being relatively new to your group, I want to say that listening to your videos, reading your blog points and your book has helped me tremendously. Thank you! Today 3/18/21 I've been sitting watching the various components of the market (DOW and Tech) battle it out. I've found several little ways to enhance my returns or diminish my losses using the techniques learned from all of your advice. My only problem - I WANT MORE. Not just your time but your thoughts and tips on how to improve. This means the world to me and I want you and the entire group to understand what a super opportunity we have to learn. Now that I'm signed up for both of your services I look forward to learning more. Thank you! - T.R.
I’ve been on this quest to learn to trade (sell) options for almost a year. Out of every book and article that I’ve read, I’ve found that yours are the best & the easiest to comprehend.
You are definitely the one that I’d like to learn from! - Troy T.
I am truly excited. I enjoy your YouTube channel. I am learning a lot. I also subscribed to your put-selling course/alerts. Thank you very much! - Angela B.
Good Morning Lee
I wanted to say that very much enjoy your videos every week. Since I saw you at the Vectorvest summit last year my trading has become so much more profitable thanks to you. Big Kudos. I will buy your book maybe a few copies just to express my appreciation. - Laurence K.
Thanks Lee.. Enjoy your weekend. Great YouTube videos by the way. You explain options in an easy to understand way. - Dikedi O.
A big thanks for your recent article/video on Selling ITM Puts.
Sold To Open 3 AAPL Puts on 7-19-21;
8/20/2021 $135.00 Puts less $1.99 fees) for $589.01
Monitored DAILY for risk control. Margin required (naked put) $5,219.10
Buy To Close 3 AAPL Puts on 8-4-21
8/20/2021 $135.00 Puts less $1.99 fees) for $.30
Net $497.02
I followed your recommendations - VERY Bullish, Managed risk, Did not
try to break the bank.
Very pleased with the results and did not want to risk getting the last dollar when I'd already captured 84% in a market opening down.
Thank you!!! - T.R.
Hi Lee
Thank you very much for your trade suggestions and market updates, they are amazing. - Sarah K.
Lee, Thank you for this put selling service. I have enjoyed learning and the cash that I've made.
- Catherine R.
Hi Lee, I think you are an amazing teacher. The lessons you have taught me have been life changing.
- Monica S.
Hi Lee.
I just wanted to express my gratitude to you and wish you continued health and continued success. Your book and the strategies you shared empowered me to leave my 9-5 and become a full time day trader 10 months ago. It was the right move at the right time in my career and life.
I thought I would share my appreciation for your work as we don't know what life will bring good or bad in the immediate future. - Jeff D.
I have had your book GET RICH WITH OPTIONS for years and it helped me understand how to trade them very well. One day i was scrolling thru youtube and saw your channel i now watch every Saturday. I value your advice. Thank you. - Troy C.
Thank You Lee. Your prompt responses to my numerous questions, your recommendations, and weekly updates/videos is why I continue my subscription! Keep Up the Great Work. - Todd B.
I just thought I’d let you know how happy I am with both of your services. I did 10 contracts of the 150/145 unofficial trade in Apple. I just closed it for $1,923.11 profit. Thanks for offering this service! - Steven O.
On 9/14/21, I STO (5) - not my usual (10) - of these ORCL contracts for $0.43. And today - closed them out at $0.01. HAPPY HOLIDAYS! Thanks - Jim B.
Thanks Lee. Your timing was perfect on these. I am learning so much from your newsletter and Saturday You Tube videos.
I took both the 'official' and 'unofficial' trades on AMD and Nvidia. So great to see these turn green so quickly. Just wanted to say thank you! - Dan T.
Hi Lee,
As a new subscriber, I cannot tell you how much I appreciated your detailed explanation as to what happened in the ORCL trade. Like a few others, I am sticking to the recommended price at GTC. This makes your service that much more valuable. - Thomas H.​
Merry Christmas Lee.
Thank you for everything in 2021. It was my first year trading options (though I've been in the stock market since the late 90's).
You've been a great teacher and a heck of an options trader. I like to refer to you to as "Leestradamus" in honor of your ability to pick the winners.
All the best to you and your family. Looking forward to all that the new year will bring us. - John R.
Hi Lee,
Just want to say thanks for all your wisdom and teachings over the last few months. I look forward to a great year ahead, gaining even more knowledge, experience, and following along with your newsletters. I hope you have an amazing Christmas holiday with your friends and family and wish you all the very best for the new year. - Ellie Q.
Thank you for the guidance through another profitable year in the market Lee! Have a fantastic Christmas and enjoy some time with loved ones! - Cody H.
Lee.. just wanted to wish you and your family a very healthy, happy and prosperous new year. Only good things in 2022 and beyond.
Excellent work this past year… may you continue to be blessed with your ability, common sense and skill and love for what you do. - Denis M.
Just a brief note to wish you and your family a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2022…and to say THANK YOU for all you’ve done for my family. - Dave M.
Thank you Lee for an incredible 2021. Best year yet; and I have you to thank for all the guidance and insights. I know 2022 will be even greater. Wishing you and your family lots of health and prosperity in 2022. Happy New Year! - Angelo V.
I've been trading stocks for 20+ years. Making a little money here and there, I took a big break after the 2008 debacle.
I've read many investing books but your video's really have helped me learn options and learn about selling calls on owned stock and buying puts on other stocks I"m bullish on.
In the last year since viewing your channel I've increased my value by $75k not a lot for many investors but a big increase for me.
Anyway I wanted to let you know you're really making a difference. Keep up the good work!
- Brian D.
Just as a footnote, i have been gathering my financial information for my tax returns, for calendar 2021 I made $48,311 from selling PUTS from Smart Option Sellers and $15,069 from selling covered calls from Smart Option Sellers' stock that was PUT to me. Thanks. - Frank T.
Lee, I want to share with you my success in this crazy month of February. I have realized profits of $626 so far this month. selling covered calls with OTM options against my holdings. In each case, I hold 100 shares and I sell one contract in an OTM strike price. I am not concerned either with having the stock taken away since the strike price more than covers my initial investment. Thanks much for showing me this money tree. It is so easy. - Tom H.
Hello my friend !! I just finished your book, "get rich with options" and it was amazing !! I already took several courses on the finantial matter but your book is THE ONLY ONE THAT REALLY TEACHED ME THE REAL THING !! So , THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!!! All the very best to you !!! - Andre B.
Love the Tesla head's up today! I've played Tesla before with options on the call and put side with good success.
Love your work so thanks! - Archer K.
Hi Lee,
I was introduced to you a number of years ago, through Vector Vest. I attended a VectorVest introductory options seminar and picked up a copy of your book “Get Rich with Options”. It is an excellent read and it has become my “go to” reference source for options trading!! Then, during the Covid downtime, I accidentally stumbled upon your UTube materials - really glad this happened!! I have learned a lot from your educational selections and look forward to your Weekly, Saturday Market Reviews! Thank you for doing this and making all this material available. - Rick H.
Hi Lee, Just wanted to say thank you for the Saturday Synopsis today. As usual, great information amd illustration of the markets. I find the content incredibly clear, concise and very helpful in my trading decisions. Keep up the great work! - Brad J.
TSLA unofficial put trade-
Just bought back the December $50 puts (60 contracts!) you unofficially recommended in August...for $.03 each. Great profit...and it cleared a bunch of margin!
Best trade ever, in terms of downside cushion!
Thank you! - Dave M.
Happy New Year Lee to you and your family! Thank you for all the insight you have provided over the course of a really tough year. Like many others I had a brutal first half with some big losses mostly on big tech. Your guidance really helped to keep me motivated and I have scraped back a good portion of those losses.
Looking forward to next year and whatever it brings! - Dan K.
Thanks again for all your help during the year. I did $74,413 in income this year. I tend to see midway between your recommended PUT price and the stock FMV price. So if you recommend CSCO at $70 and it is selling at $90, I will usually sell a PUT at $80.
I have been PUT the stock on occasion but this is fine, I like the stock and then start selling covered calls.
A serene 2023 to you and family. - Frank T.
Wow! You are masterful in explaining the intricacies of put selling! The safer, the less reward and vice-versa! Of course it all leads to your excellent advisory optimizing the best of all factors for risk/reward. Thank you Lee. - Kevin H.
I have read your book five times then I started Options trading. That book inspired me and gave great financial results. Thank you for writing the book. - Amin F.
Hi Lee, I decided to subscribe to your newsletter as I had read your book several years ago, and found it to be the best guide and had the best strategies for options trading, based on your knowledge and experience. - Tim R.
Hi Lee.. So refreshing to find someone who wants to help FOR FREE! The noise surrounding trading is deafening and everyone's hand is out waiting to get paid in advance for the next big system. Thank you for being different. - D.J.
You are the best. I watch your you tube all the time. How wonderful you are.
Thank you so much. - Joyce H.
I want to say a sincere, heart felt “thank you” for writing your book.
I purchased it about 6 years and I have read it at least 4-5 times.
I have raved about you to numerous friends and a few have also purchased your book.
I have read numerous books on option trading and your book is the best; BY FAR!!
You can only imagine my surprise and excitement when I discovered you on YouTube!! - Geoff G.
In just the last few days I have sold 11 contracts and pocketed $600 of Premiums. This is truly exciting! And I thought Options were highly speculative…. THANK YOU is not enough Lee!!!
This is as much fun as I've had in a very long time. I can't thank you enough for your great videos that got me studying SELLING options night and day (and making money!!!). PS: I'm going to Amazon today to buy your book and review the two other books that you cited in this AM's new video. - Ron G.
Hi Lee, I absolutely love your videos. I have learned so much from you and for that I am truly grateful.
You by far have the best content on Youtube!! Thank you for all of the amazing information you provide.
I have been telling all of my clients to subscribe to your channel. - Billy H.
Thanks for a great 1st half 2023 of trading! I can honestly say you are my top trusted resource for Put selling and Vertical Spread Trading. - Todd G.
Lee, Thanks so much for your prompt response (as usual). You have always been a dependable and honest businessman. I always watch your videos. It’s amazing that there are still people around that truly want to educate the public without strings attached. - Todd B.
just wanted to also say that I'm so glad to have stumbled across your web site and videos! I plan on going over everything on the SOS web site and watching all of your videos. I appreciate your simplified-yet-effective trading approach and you explain things well and very clearly. A lot of YouTubers that make videos about Options trading don't approach it from the perspective that a lot of the viewers are new to trading and are trying to learn the ropes; myself included. So, kudos to you for being so down to earth and not being overly technicaI - Mike T.
Thank you for the emails you’ve been sending. I’ve been reading them, watching your YouTube videos and have purchased your book Get Rich With Options.
As you are aware, there are many companies and individuals offering education and training on YouTube. In watching many different videos from different people, I respect your experience and your whole approach in explaining everything. Very professional.
Thank you,
T. M.
Hi Lee, Just wanted to say that I enjoy your weekly emails and I have learned a lot. Thanks for this information and keep up the good work! Happy Holidays. - D.P.
Hi Lee, I want to share with you. I bought my first option, NVDA January 2024 Call on May 30. I sold this yesterday. I made over 44% profit. I did not want to be greedy. Using and believing in your system, it works and make some profits. I keep listening to your weekend posts. Thank you so much. - Peter W.
I found out about the Smart Option Seller via youtube. I really like how you make the information very understandable. I am looking forward to reading Put-Selling Basics. Thank you! - Patrick L.
I recently read your - Get Rich with Options. Great read. I have experience with covered calls and "a little" experience selling puts. this book has given me more confidence with this strategy!!! Thanks! - Don S.
After listening to so many web sites and option webinars and presentations, you are the best of all - Michael V.
Hi Lee,
You asked how I heard of you? I found you on YouTube when I was looking for Video's on Options.
Yours are by far the best, you take your time to explain how they work. I also like the fact that you walk your viewers through the whole process. Thanks Lee for helping many investors like myself! - Michael M.
Good evening Lee and thank you for your follow-up emails. My schedule is very hectic right now so I often don't reply in a timely manner but my appreciation is very high nonetheless.
Thanks to a wealth of info I've gleaned from your resources, book, youtube videos etc my trading has been fantastic.
I had started trading options 18 months ago and had very little training or knowledge but was jacked to the eyeballs with the idea of them. Long story short I got caught being too aggressive and ended up with a lot of money tied up. I'm mostly freed up again and much more informed and have not had a trade go against me since I came across your youtube channel.
I now use RSI, moving averages, 20% out of the money on puts and not least the probability calculater.
As often as my schedule allows I watch your chart reading videos. I am hellbent on doing this better and you've been a big part of that.
I'm not big potatoes but I am making $2-4k/month in premiums. So far for December I'm at $2025 and expect another $1k with the time left in the month.
I absolutely love selling options and am working to put myself in a position to do so full time.
Sorry for the long-winded email but I just wanted to let you know how excited I am to have come across your info that will help me stay in the game safely!
Thanks Lee!!! - Kevin P.
Lee, I read and re-read you book "Get Rich With options" over and over again. IT has become my bible. I wrote to you before, in that I have been trading options since the mid 70s.. Always lost. Kept trying and trying. You and your book have been able to get me to focus on the selling puts. credit spreads and it has been very good. THANKS. - Gary A.
Hi Lee, I have been slowly reading on your Put-Selling Basics I want to share this past 45-days, using your teaching I did a few call option contracts transactions. I profited 64%, 132% and 43%. My total profits came to a little over $30K. I am so thankful to your expert teaching. - Peter W.
Awesome video, love the commentary, love the no-nonsense analysis and love what you’re doing! I learn a ton from every video! I’ll be in touch h soon about another 1-on-1 session! Cheers! - Brad J.
Dear Lee,
I wanted to let you know that I really owe you! Last October, I started studying options trading by watching your YouTube videos. I saw the one on buying Call options at a high delta, around 80. I started
buying call options using this strategy on some big Nasdaq names. It was working very well, and
in November, I heard many analysts saying they liked Nvidia, but at the $480 level, they were going to wait. I watched some of the YouTube videos by Jensen Huang, CEO of Nvidia. Being a software developer for over forty years, I realized that he was describing the extraordinary breakthroughs that were going on in Computer Science and that we are in a unique time that is the next evolution of computer technology, Generative AI, and its infinite applications. I ignored the finance wizards and bought Call options on Nvidia with a delta of around 80 right when Nvidia broke through the 500 level and started its run higher, just as you predicted. I did this again and again with the big names Microsoft, AMD, Meta, and others. I watched my account grow and bought a Meta call option the day they announced earnings at the closing bell. Meta rose meteorically, historically, $80 a share. Now I can truly say, quoting Deng Xiaoping, "To get rich is glorious!".
So, I want to give you a big heartfelt THANK YOU, LEE! for your role in this fantastic journey!
I re-watched your YouTube video "Deep in the Money Call Options," the strategy that has made me
rich. For me personally, the real 'hook' in that video was the specific way to read the Call Options list by
looking only at the options with a Delta around 90. Now armed with that specific way to trade, I have
my strategy and it has been working most of the time(especially now in a bull market, and especially now in Tech and the AI revolution).
I just wanted to share that I started looking at this strategy as "renting" the stock as opposed to buying the stock. You rent the stock for a while at a much lower cost than buying, and then you can just return it if
you get tired of it, or if it breaks.
This strategy that I got from you has unbelievably elevated my trading account from a "single comma" account to a "2 comma" account! So thanks again! - John C.
Hello Lee, just writting to thank you, I tried to send you a message by twitter but I am not verified. Your twitter account and your youtube channel are fantastic and your Get rich with options book was a life changer for me. - Fernando V.
Sorry, but I can't make it to the webinar. But let me say that I am hugely grateful for the put selling technique. I've been using it six months and it has accounted for over 20 percent of my trading gains since October, with 90 percent accuracy. Thank you. - Fred B.
​Lee - I have to tell you, I have been trading for 15 years and I’ve seen about everything everybody has. You are for sure, the smartest of them all combined x’s 10! I have sold puts for a long time, I have always sold spreads up till now. Done pretty well, but with what I’ve learned from you combined with your amazing very simple to use calculator, I plan to do far far better. In addition, the way you teach this is the most uncomplicated clear teaching I have ever seen. - Mark W.
Hello Lee,
I just signed up for the Smart Option Seller Newsletter. I’m a former subscriber from a while back. I’ve been on hiatus for little over four years chasing shiny objects and losing money I’m sorry to say. I’m done with all that now and back to your program where I actually made money and with which I felt most comfortable. Looking forward to low risk high probability trading. With gratitude, - Luis C
Hi Lee, I want to thank you for your videos—they really helped me kickstart option selling last November. Since then, I’ve made over 100 trades and have been profitable with selling put options! Your e-book and your book Get Rich with Options have been incredibly helpful. Thank you so much. - Frank W.
I just wanted to mention how much I loved Get Rich with Options! It really opened my eyes to some new strategies and concepts. The insights on risk management and leveraging options were especially valuable to me. Definitely one of the best reads I’ve come across in a while! - Serhii P.
Lee, I’ve been a fan of yours since I first read your book about 10 years ago.
Your YouTube videos are one of the bright spots in my life, and the only reason I haven’t signed up for a webinar is because I already sell puts successfully from time to time.
Thank you for helping traders everywhere! - Ross B.
Hi Lee,
You asked if anyone played the SMCI trade you discussed. I did and it worked out very well for me. Here is what I did. On 11/18/24, I sold the one week Put Option with a strike price at $14 that expired on 11/22/24. After it expired yesterday, I made $4,979.72 on the trade. I felt this was a very good profit for me over the one week I waited for it to expire. Thanks for letting me know about this trade. - Ken B.
Hi Lee. I have to start by thanking you first, Your Book Get Rich With Options has made me more money than another business book I've bought. I just found you on YouTube. I've learned to analyze stocks I want to buy and if not in the buy zone I would sell a put option. THANK YOU. Your Book is the best and something that just clicked with me and I understood right away. Thank You. - Richard C.
I have been a subscriber to your newsletter for a couple of years now and have done very well with your recommendations. I really enjoy your weekly videos and educational videos as well. EVERY one of your options recommendations that I have participated in has been profitable! I subscribe to a couple of other newsletters and I have not had near the success rate as I have had with your recommendations. - Jeff J.
Hey Lee,
I just wanted to take a moment to say how much I appreciate what you do. Your work is truly amazing, and every conversation with you is an absolute pleasure.
I truly believe the world doesn’t yet fully grasp how safe and powerful Options trading can be when done with the right mindset, just like you teach. - Murilo R.