A Trio Of New Trades!
A Trio Of New Trades!
Hello Smart Option Sellers! Let's get cracking! I've got three new trades for everyone today, and they're all on companies that have been profitable for us already. As mentioned in a previous alert, I have no qualms about recycling trades over and over and over again. No sense in messing with what works, right? That's the beauty of trading options - they expire and we can re-use them to our advantage. If you've been with us at The Smart Option Seller for awhile, you may recognize these names. If not, check our Track Record to see how they've performed for us. Earnings have come and gone for these three companies so we don't need to worry about any unexpected moves, and we can rely on the next few months for time decay to help us profit quickly. Trade #1 - Intel Corp. (INTC) One of my all-time favorite stocks to sell put options on. This stock has been a clear winner for us going all the way back to our Instant Money Trader days. You can see that track record too on the same page. We've already closed two successful trades on Intel in our portfolio. The stock dips, we sell put options, the stock rallies, we take profits. That's been the scenario every time we've sold put options on Intel. Hope I'm not jinxing myself here! Even so, if we got assigned and had to buy the shares, it would be a great trade, as we could ride out the eventual unlimited upside move back higher. Here's what you can choose to do: Sell (sell-to-open) the January 2018 INTC $28 put options for a limit sell price of $.25 per contract or higher, GTC, as an opening transaction. Currently, this put option has a tight market of $.29 bid/$.30 offer, so we should have no problem getting filled (sell) at a higher price than $.25 per contract. I'm giving a good amount of leeway on this trade. You will be able to sell these at a price higher than $.25 per contract, but over the next few days, it could move lower. Bottomline, do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. With INTC stock currently at $35 per share, we'll have a nice 20% cushion above our $28 strike price. Trade #2 - Gap, Inc. (GPS) Another favorite of mine over the years. Just like Intel, we've closed two successful trades on GPS already. And we're going back for more! Here's what you can choose to do: Sell (sell-to-open) the January 2018 GPS $17 put options for a limit sell price of $.25 per contract or higher, GTC, as an opening transaction. Currently, this put option has a market of $.25 bid/$.29 offer, so we should be able to get filled (sell) for at least $.25 per contract. Remember, you don't need to jump right onto the $.25 bid and sell at that price. That helps scare away the market-makers. Be cool about your sell order. Place your sell order at maybe $.28 or $.27 per contract to start to see if someone bites. If not, you can incrementally move your sell order lower until selling at $.25 is your last choice. We want to get the best sell price possible, and "working" your order at a higher price first, helps you to do that. Bottomline, do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. With GPS stock currently at $22.55 per share, we'll have a nice 24% cushion above our $17 strike price. Trade #3 - Emerson Electric (EMR) We just closed out a profitable play on EMR about a month ago, and another opportunity is presenting itself. Here's what you can choose to do: Sell (sell-to-open) the January 2018 EMR $43 put options for a limit sell price of $.25 per contract or higher, GTC, as an opening transaction. Currently, this put option has a market of $.20 bid/$.30 offer, so we may or may not get filled on this one. This stock doesn't trade in penny increments like our other new trades, so our only choice is to offer it right at $.25 per contract. Check with your broker though as they might be a part of the Price Improvement Program (PIP). See some of the information here. Let's see if they'll bite and fill us. Bottomline, do not sell for anything less than $.25 per contract. With EMR stock currently at $58.60 per share, we'll have a nice 26% cushion above our $43 strike price. That's all for now. Get those trades in pronto and please let us know how you do. You can contact us here Continue to work all other trades as instructed and continue to hold all other open positions as-is. See the Current Portfolio below for current prices & instructions. Quick note on the Current Portfolio - if you are a new subscriber and don't have a position yet on any of our trades, make sure you enter your order at the original recommended sell prices. Do not enter any order unless the current price is at, or higher, than the official recommendation. If you are unsure or have any questions, please ask us! Warren Buffett Report I continue to get good feedback and orders on this new report, so I'll keep this notice going for the time being so everyone has a chance to see it. If you need the link again, click here to read about it. Regards, Lee Let's Grab That Cash!