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Create High Probability Passive Income!


Smart Option Seller 5-Part Video Series

If you're a new (or veteran) options investor, then you're probably realizing that making consistent profits by trading options contracts is really hard.  Like, really hard!


I've heard from so many people (friends, relatives, colleagues, customers) that they just can't get over the hump to being profitable.


They take one step forward, but then two steps backwards, getting deeper in the hole as time goes on.


They take profits quickly and let losers run longer.  They just can't accept the loss, so they hold on.


Sound familiar?


The recurring theme is that they "think" they know where the stock is going, and end up buying short-term, out-of-the-money options, that inevitably expire worthless, causing a 100% loss of investment.


Sound familiar?


Option-buying (versus option-selling) is such a hard way to make consistent money.  The concept of "time decay" and the unfortunate (but consistent) directional errors, can ravage an option-buyer's portfolio. 


Well, what we do here is something completely different.


We don't try to guess where the market is going, we figure out where the market isn't going.  Big difference in that type of trading, and one which leads to wins up to 95% of the time.


What is it and how do we do it?


By selling put options!


What's that?


It's an amazing option trading strategy that offers opportunities to generate upfront cash flow streams, while at the same time giving huge probabilities for success and profit.  Many investors and traders don't know about it, but we do!


And now's your chance to learn about it.


I've been asked over and over from new option investors how to consistently make money in the options market.


And the reason why they come to me is because they know of my experience and success.


So, I (Lee Lowell) created The Smart Option Seller to help the trading community learn and profit from my 30+ years in the business, and to specifically show why selling put options is one of the best ways to make money in the stock market.


Selling put options has helped me grow my own portfolio over the last 30 years and now I regularly impart that knowledge onto new students all the time through my personal coaching, my newsletters, and my videos.


Selling put options allows an investor to be completely wrong on a stock's direction,  but yet can still come out a winner.


You have to understand how life-changing that can be for your portfolio.


You don't get many chances in the market to be wrong, yet still be right.  Make sense?


The bottomline to winning in the options-buying game is to accurately predict the stock's direction by the expiration date.  No one can do that consistently enough to make a living from it.  Option buyers are losing on their trades up to 95% of the time.


And the winners?  You guessed it - the option sellers.


Let's get you on the path to success.  If you're done struggling with the lack of consistent option profits, and you'd like to join the winning team, consider what we have to offer.


Here's some of the feedback I've received:


As someone who has been investing for 15 years, there could not of been a better mentor/teacher than Lee Lowell. There are many stock trading car salesman out there, however, Lee is the real deal. He taught me aspects of my options investing system that helped me to sharpen the sword! Iron sharpens iron! - Ben H.


Thanks Lee, I found your one-on-one coaching extremely valuable - and I recommend it to others who are seeking to fast-track their option trading skills.  - Mark W.


If you are just starting out learning about options, Lee Lowell is a great resource!  He explains the concepts in an easy, stress free way that makes you excited to start trading.  If your goal is to take your option trading to a more advanced level, Lee excels at that too. Highly recommend! - Archer K.


I have been meaning to tell you that I thought your webinar was excellent.  It drove home your approach in a way that brought the different aspects together into one cohesive message.  I feel much more comfortable trading the naked puts now by making sure I am at peace with buying the underlying stock if necessary. - Marianne P.


If you're ready to take advantage of this amazing option strategy and start putting new profits into your own portfolio, then I have an opportunity for you.


I've recently created and held paid online webinars to help new (and veteran) investors to become put-selling experts.


It was an intensive deep-dive into what I call the "greatest option trading strategy of all time".


And now those webinar recordings are available for purchase.  


In this 5-part series (about 5 hours long), I teach and explain all the ins and outs on how the put-selling strategy works. 


You WILL become a better options trader!


The Benefits: (here's what you'll learn):


- How to pick the stocks: chart analysis & pertinent websites

- How to pick the options: out-of-the-money, at-the-money, or in-the-money

- How to pick the expiration dates: short-term or long-term

- Calculating profit/loss: easy math

- Calculating probabilities of profit: probability calculator

- Entering the trades: broker platform

- How to read option chains: broker platform

- Using a margin or cash account

- How to repair a trade gone bad: (rolling)

- How to take assignment of the shares

- How to collect even more income after assignment: covered calls (The Wheel)

- How to take profits early (my 80% Rule)

- And so much more!


People told me what they had on their minds and what they needed to learn.  The webinar was (and is) an all-inclusive breakdown and analysis of put-selling, and the end goal is to help you become a smarter, experienced, and more profitable options trader. 


Isn't that what we all want?


​Here's What Else You'll Get:


In addition to the 5 hours of video instruction ($2,500 USD value), you'll receive:


- 30-day FREE access to my flagship put-selling newsletter & members-only website ($89 USD value) 

- 30-day FREE mobile phone text alerts - U.S. & Canada only ($29 USD Value)

- 30-day FREE access to my highly sought-after probability calculator ($5 USD value)

- Lifetime FREE access to my put-selling Excel P&L and Trade Tracker spreadsheets (priceless!)  

- FREE copies of my PDF "cheat sheets" on select topics (priceless!)

- Lifetime FREE access to the recordings (priceless!)

- List of helpful & pertinent trading websites

- Discounted annual rate to the newsletter after the 30-day trial, if desired, ($200 USD discount).


The cost of the video series is $397 USD (retail $497 USD).  


All told, that is at least $2,226 USD off the individual retail prices, which is an insane 84% discount.   


My goal is to not have price be a deterrent, and I want you walking away a confident and intelligent put-option seller.  One of my greatest gratifications is the responses and thank-you emails I receives from students.  That's what keeps me going.  And I'm looking forward to getting one from you, as well.


So, please take advantage of this great opportunity!


Some Q&A:


Q: How long will it take me to learn how to sell put options with your course?


A: The video series is roughly 5 hours long, and by then you should have a great idea of how it works.  At that point, I would recommend using a paper-trading account to test your skills before using real money. 


Q: What kind of account would I need to sell put options after watching your videos?


A: You need a regular brokerage account and you decide whether to use it as a "margin account" or a "cash-secured account".  All of this is spelled out in the videos.   


Q: How much money would I need to get started after watching your course?


A: Really, it could only take a few thousand dollars, but it will greatly depend on the strike price you choose, and whether you have a cash-secured or margin account.


Q: How much money could I make by selling put options after watching your course?


A: It depends on how aggressive or how conservative you want to be.  Selling out-of-the-money strikes offers much more cushion and higher probability of profit, but smaller premium intakes.  Using at-the-money or in-the-money strikes offers much higher premium intakes, but comes with higher risk.  There is no right or wrong answer, and it will depend on your temperament and risk tolerance.  Bottomline, the course WILL show you how to create an income stream by selling put options intelligently.


Q: I'm afraid I won't have the time to diligently study your videos and put it to good use.


A: We all want (need) more time in our lives.  But I will tell you one thing - we ALL probably spend too much time aimlessly scrolling on our phones looking at cat videos or spiraling down the YouTube rabbit hole that could be put to better use by watching this course.


The video series is 5 hours long - that is really not a lot of time.  You can go at your own pace and quite honestly, you can binge it in one weekend like you do with any Netflix series. 


And here's one of the best things - the video course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee (minus a small processing fee), so you don't need to worry about getting stuck with a product you don't want.


You'll have 30 days to watch the videos, plus you'll have 30 free days of receiving our flagship put-selling newsletter (The Smart Option Seller).  So not only will you have the videos to teach you the strategy, but you'll get guidance from me (and actual trades) to put into place if you so desire.


In the end, I feel confident that receiving a refund will be the last thing on your mind.


That's it!


In order to move forward with purchasing the video series, just fill out the information in the form below.  Once done, you will receive follow-up emails with more details.


If you have any questions, I'm always here to help.  Feel free to email me directly at:


​Thank you!

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