Life In The Pits

Yes, that is Lee in the two pictures above. On the left, taken in the NYMEX's crude oil options pit in 1995, and his NYMEX badge on the right. His full name which many people don't know - Aron Lee Lowell.
To get a taste of what life was like in the pits, watch the ever-funny, but very true-to-life, clip here.
At The Smart Option Seller, it's Lee Lowell's ambition to not only teach and educate the public about the incredible benefits of option trading, but also how to profit from it.
Let him show you how to get your share of stock market profits by selling put options. Take the first step and read his free Put-Selling Basics ebook.
Remember - send any comments or questions to Lee right here
*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases.
About Lee Lowell - The Smart Option Seller

Lee Lowell
Founder, The Smart Option Seller
Lee's goal is to help all new & veteran option traders.
He's heard from so many of them over the years, that he is now dedicated to making that a reality.
But to understand where Lee's been and what he's done, read on for some of his history.
Lee has been a professional stock & commodity options trader for over 30 years. He began his career in 1991 on the floor of the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) in New York City, specializing in the Crude Oil and Natural Gas options and futures pits for both a small proprietary trading firm and then his own company.
Tired of the NYC rat race, he decided to move his family in 1998 to trade off-floor from the western-most locale in all of the United States - the beautiful island of Kaua'i, Hawai'i, where he combined his exchange floor knowledge with the new frontier of computerized internet trading.
Honing his skills even more over those following years, Lee began his wildly successful flagship put-option selling newsletter - The Instant Money Trader - in 2008, during the throes of one of the worst economic recessions since the Great Depression.
Since ending in the summer of 2016, The Instant Money Trader newsletter racked up an impressive 95% win rate in its almost eight year existence. Click his Track Record to see the results.
Lee is extremely proud of those results, and so far with his Smart Option Seller & Vertical Spread Trader newsletters, he's done incredibly well since inception in 2017.
Lee is also a best-selling author. His book, "Get Rich With Options" - still remains on Amazon's best-seller list years after its 2007 release, and has been mentioned in Men's Journal, NewTraderU, Investimonials and WallStreetMojo.
*(paid link)
Here are some of the great Testimonials Lee has received:
I just want to thank you for writing the book, "Get Rich with Options". I really enjoyed learning from you. - Stephen T.
I love the the way that you teach/write and of course I love that you posted your wonderful track record too. I haven't seen anyone else do that. Thank you for your service! With appreciation - Pam .
Lee, In your welcome email you asked to share how we found your site...well my dad gave my your book get rich with options and I loved it so I searched the web and found your web site, thanks again for writing a great book! - Kelly W.
Hi Lee, I am a long time fan of Get Rich with Options. That book is worth it's weight in in-the-money naked puts on gold. Thank you for writing it and sharing it with the world! - Shawn R.
I found this page after listening to the CD version of How To Get Rich With Options. Awesome content. Your book connected a lot of dots for me. - Ian W.
Hi Lee!
I am reading the book "Get Rich with Options: Four Winning Strategies Straight from the Exchange Floor" in Portuguese (I'm Brazilian). I have learned a Lot! - Jeff M.
Hello Lee, I just wanted to tell you, "You're Good!" I just finished reading your book. I'm fairly new at this and I have read a couple of books on Options (I have probably more then 15 books saved on my computer) and something told me to read your book. I'm glad I listened to my intuition. Your book is great! Your writing is clear and understandable (unlike most books out there) and you come across as very real and truthful. I just stumbled on your website (by looking up your name after I read your book) and I'm happy to see that you're still doing this. It's late at night, so I will have to check your site fully tomorrow, but I hope I can possibly learn more from you. I'm going to re-read your book several times because I truly enjoyed it. Your Four Strategies (plus one) are just gold! Thank you again for your awesome Book. I hope to learn a lot more from you in the future. - Alberto B.
Dear Lee,
I first got your book Get Rich with Options in my local library. Your book opened up a whole new world to me.
Later I bought 1 on Amazon and read it over and over again. The past Thanksgiving I bought 10 more and gave them as Thanksgiving gifts to my
relatives and friends. I am going to donate 5 of your Get Rich with Options to my local library next year. This is such a great book. - Jian L.
I read your book Get Rich With Options a few years ago, but only recently found your Youtube channel. The book was the what lead me to begin trading options. Thanks, - Tim M.
Lee also shares his insights and experience in his Blog, which has been included in's 28 Best Option Trading Blogs For 2019. He not only discusses put-selling, but other investing topics as well.
You can also find articles written by Lee in mainstream publications such as "Futures" and "Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities" magazines. See some of his work in our Press link.